Photofacial in Georgetown, TX

Photofacial Treatment

Photofacial treatment uses broadband light and a sophisticated delivery system. The device targets pigmentation issues such as rosacea, sun spots, and visible vessels. The result is a more even, glowing complexion. When done annually, this can be a preventative treatment. The light beams delivered by the Photofacial will gently heat the first few layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas improves all aspects at a cellular level and will stimulate your skin’s cells to regenerate your skin to its natural beauty. Each treatment will reveal ultra-clarified, vibrant, and youthful skin. We use a new revolutionary technology added to the system that delivers 4x the speed, 3x the peak power, and maximum cooling making it the best intense pulsed light device to treat brown spots, red spots, fine lines, acne, enlarged pores, and more! This treatment is safe and perfect for all skin types.

The pros of this treatment include:

  • Treats rosacea, freckles, small vessels, and sunspots
  • Diminishes signs of aging such as wrinkles
  • Reduces acne and treats inflammation
  • Improves skin laxity

Did you know? Photofacial-induced anti-aging effects are seen at a cellular level and contribute to a youthful appearance.

The Treatment

We’ll take photos to determine the optimal treatment plan at your consultation. Before the treatment begins, we’ll sanitize the targeted area and apply a clear gel. We use protective eyewear during the treatment for safety. As we use the device, we customize the filters based on your individual treatment plan. After the complete procedure, the hydrating cream we put on your skin will soothe it to perfection. If you’re a new patient, we recommend three to five treatments at two to four-week intervals.


It primarily treats the face, but other areas such as the hands, neck, back, and chest can also be treated.

No. You may apply makeup on the same day as your treatment.

Yes. We recommend combining this treatment with RF Microneedling to encourage new collagen production.

Yes. You might get mild redness or flushing of the skin. This symptom subsides within a few hours.


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